CAC and Boards of Municipal Districts agree responsible grazing

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 The Central Sugar Consortium (CAC) and the Municipal District Boards of Batey 8, Santa Bárbara and El Palmar, signed a cooperation agreement to ensure the responsible grazing of animals in the communities where the company is present. The agreement was signed by David Pérez Julis, Director of the Board of Batey 8; Francisco Feliz, Director of the Board of El Palmar; and Juan Carlos Rodríguez, Director of the Board of Santa Bárbara, as well as Virgilio Pérez-Bernal for the CAC.

The agreement establishes terms for the responsible grazing of animals within the cane farms of the company. It will help CAC continue its successful efforts to prevent any occurrence of child labor in the industry, ensure alignment with local laws, and achieve the objectives of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals with the support of UNICEF.

Under the agreement, each Municipal District Board must take a census of the animals to designate those that may graze in the lanes and streets of the cane farm. The agreement, which has already been discussed with the various community boards of each mayor's office, also involves the installation of a corral to take those animals that are wandering alone or causing damage to the cane plantations.